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Our team

We are already more than 3200 employees working in Brasil TecPar companies, to simplify life with technology and connectivity.

Company Management

The Company's management is carried out through the Board of Directors (CA) and the Executive Board (DEX) , who are responsible for carrying out the strategic planning, investment plan and definition of the Company's policies. It is complemented by the Operational Board (DOP) , which implements the plans and acts specifically in each area of the organization, with 6 corporate boards, which support the other boards and companies of the group and 5 market boards, which direct the market verticals structured according to the concept of the Internet Productive Chain.

The other bodies, such as the Corporate Governance Secretariat (SGC) and the Committees, operate as provided for in the Regulations and Internal Regulations of Brasil TecPar

Composition of the Board of Directors

Conselho de Administração

Fábio Bonadiman

Board Chairman

Graduated in Accounting, post-graduated in Financial Mathematics and Marketing.


Founder of Redesul, he was president of the Association of Small and Medium Enterprises of Garibaldi RS and president of InternetSul, of the Council of Information Technology Entities of RS and Regional Director of Federasul, in the Serra Gaúcha region.

Corporate Governance Department


Melisse Chiesa 

Executive Secretary


Monitor compliance with and dissemination of Corporate Governance guidelines and best practices at all levels of the Company.

Executive Board

Diretoria Executiva
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